for you
through moonlight
a tiny &team archive
by pau (@twinklingmaki)
about pau
pau ✿ she/her
luné ✿ maki lover
oshawott fan ✿ a little shy
has too many hobbies
translation disclaimer! my native language is english. i study korean and japanese as a hobby and don't consider myself fluent. i love languages and the nuances involved in translating from one language to another, so i hope that can be conveyed through my work!
Subtitle projects
&TEAM interviews
Maki's interviews
✿ SOURCE: Nikkei Ent (23.01.04)
A dream to perform with Justin Bieber

&TEAM's youngest member, MAKI, is brilliantly expressive in his singing. He began taking vocal lessons during his second year of elementary school after listening to Maroon 5's "Payphone." He went on to perform in musicals in the hopes of becoming a stage actor. Why did he take on "&AUDITION?"When I watched "I-LAND," I was really inspired by those who worked hard to achieve their dreams. I felt so inspired and began to learn dance. With my personality, which likes to take on challenges, I decided to try "&AUDITION."I strongly felt, "If I'm going to take on the challenge, then I definitely want to make it in!" but, even though I had experience singing while acting in musicals, it was my first time singing while dancing. I struggled a lot during the first round. There were many moments I felt overwhelmed, like when I had to perform knowing I was being evaluated or even dancing in stage outfits. However, the producers gave me feedback on what I needed to improve, and I slowly started getting the hang of it. Often, the other trainees made up for what I was lacking.I also became more confident in my vocal experience. After the final round, Pdogg said, "MAKI's singing voice is charming." I'm so glad I could receive those kind words. I had always been confident in my singing but became even more motivated after receiving that feedback. &TEAM's debut, "Under the skin" is a rock song. I had never sung in a rock style before, but despite the difficulties, I challenged myself by changing how I sang and projected my voice - to suit the song. Until now, I had always been concerned about singing beautifully, but I sang with that vibe in mind this time.In a circle of 9, we are ready.However, "Under the skin" has been the most difficult out of everything I've ever danced. There are a lot of complicated movements, and having to synchronise as nine people was difficult... But K and FUMA taught the members, saying, "Maybe it'd work if we did it a little more like this," and slowly, I could feel it coming together. When practising as nine members, I paid attention to standing out when dancing the choreography to my own parts and matching the other members when dancing as a group.All nine members of &TEAM gather into a circle before practising or performing. During those moments, I think, "I'm so glad that &TEAM is 9", and at the same time, I become determined. "The 9 of us will become artists that impact the world," I get really fired up. While holding on to the dream of 9 people, I would also like to fulfil my dream of performing with Justin Bieber, whom I've admired since childhood.
✿ SOURCE: Nikkei Ent (23.06.02)
Member Interview

During the day-to-day that stretched beyond his imagination, he realised the importance of enjoying the stage.
The youngest, Maki, is loved by his members due to his friendly spirit and open personality. His vibrant and rapid growth, characteristic of being in his late teens, has made him physically and mentally more resilient and mature in the present day as compared to pre-debut.When I first met LUNÉ during our debut showcase, I realised that those in front of me would be the ones I'd be spending my time with from now on. Seeing signs and banners with my name at different events makes me happy.Honestly, I couldn't imagine what activities awaited me after the debut showcase. And so, the work I experience now is beyond what I could have ever imagined. We've appeared on various programmes and have been invited to large events, among other things. I'm so grateful that more and more people are getting to know us.I would never have imagined that one day I'd make my modelling debut for the Tokyo Girls Collection in March, but if that opportunity presents itself again, I'd like to give it another go.The time and effort it takes to produce a music video was something I could have never imagined before my debut. The "Under the Skin" music video took four days to shoot. Previously, when watching videos or films, I'd just think, "That's interesting" or "That's cool." Still, it was only when I became the one on camera that I realised [the end result] is filled with the passion of many people. When I watch music videos of senior artists, I now imagine it from their point of view [behind the scenes], "So that's what filming must've been like."I want to express my emotions more through singing.If we're talking about things that haven't changed, it's the relationship between the 9 of us. I'm straightforward and can't lie by nature, so everyone's impression of me hasn't changed either. Rather, since we're always together, the 9 of us have created stronger bonds. We've come to know each other better and have shown each other the unexpected parts of our personalities, "I didn't realise there was this side to you."When we were invited to GMO SONIC in January, I was moved by Steve Aoki's performance. When you think about how to make the audience have a good time, you also have a lot of fun. We want to make sure that those who take the time to see us perform enjoy themselves, inspiring us to enjoy being on stage even more.I truly love singing. I want to convey the emotions of a song, such as joy, sadness, or pain, through my singing. To do that, I want to learn more about music and have been listening to lots of songs. Recently, I've been into chill K- POP songs that are easy to listen to, like Vincent Blue's "It's Raining." "This song cheers me up!" or "I feel better" so that &TEAM can also be thought of in that way; we'll work hard. And one day, I want to create and showcase my own music.
✿ SOURCE: WEEKLY IDOL (23.07.20)
Weekly Idol Self Profile

Name: Maki
Nickname: Meongmungmi (puppy)
Personality: Carefree and honest charm
Habit: Whistling
Hobby: Tidying the dorm
Skill: Singing
Strength: Puppy-like energy
Weakness: Sleeping lateMy TMI:
When I was in Japan, I did so much shopping that it was like my luggage was gonna explode coming to KoreaFirst Announcement! A story with a member that I haven't spoken about:
Fuma-hyung loves SEVENTEEN's Super so much that he sang Jeonghan-sunbaenim's part in his sleepAn ability I have that is better than another member:
I'm better than Harua at KoreanAn ability I want to steal from a member:
Taki, his ability to make everyone laugh and smileRecent interest:
Playing jokes on HaruaFavourite member recently and why:
Harua, he's such a soft person, so I want to watch over himSkill I'm confident in:
Clapping with one handExercise I'm confident in:
Deadlift, I'm good at it cause my butt is bigA cover I want to do and am confident in:
TOMORROW X TOGETHER-sunbaenim's "No Rules"An idol performance I thought was cool recently (except my own):
ENHYPEN-sunbaenim's Blessed-Cursed at K-CONSomething I wanna do on WEEKLY IDOL:
Dance cover
✿ SOURCE: NYLON JAPAN (23.06.28)

Q1. What's your nickname?
Makimaki, Wanwan, MakiQ2. What kind of role do you play amongst the members?
Cleaning leader, youngest, in charge of vocalsQ3. How would you describe yourself in one word?
HonestQ4. Something you're into recently?
SaladQ5. A moment that made you feel sentimental?
After going out to eat with Nicholas and Harua, we took photos and walked around as it was drizzlingQ6. Amongst the members, what do you have the most confidence in
Love for hamburgersQ7. What part of you has grown and what has stayed the same?
My height has grown, my fashion sense has grown. My personality will never changeQ8. A word of thanks to your members you couldn't say to their face?
[eng] Thank you for not giving up on me!Q9. What is your "dream" from now on?
To go meet LUNÉ from around the world
✿ SOURCE: AR MAGAZINE (24.05.11)
Bright and honest, puppy-like youngest

Q1. An emoji you use a lot?
☺️Q2. What kind of phone case are you using?
One with dogs on itQ3. What did you eat yesterday evening?
IcecreamQ4. Give us a quiz about yourself - something recent!
What did I wash in the laundry yesterday? (answer: a beige bath towel)Q5. If you had to live with one of your members forever, who would you choose?
Harua. Amongst the members, he's the one I've known the longest, and when &TEAM travels we're usually roommates, so I think we're used to living with each other.Q6. Tell us one secret nobody knows about!
I own 8 hats. Before I even knew it, I had so many. Most of them are large, knit beanies.Q8. What's a household chore you're good at?
Cleaning. Just the other day, I got into a cleaning mood and cleaned the kitchen sink.Q9. If there was someone you liked, what's the best way to contact them?
I want to hear their voice, so by phone call! Even if it's not every day, even just for 5 minutes before going to bed, I'd want to listen to their voice on the phone.Q10. What's the likelihood of love at first sight?
40%. Even if I think, "They're lovely!" at first, I want to know who they are on the inside.
✿ SOURCE: GQ Korea (2024.04.25)앤팀(&TEAM) “우연은 없어요. 우리가 만난 건 모두 운명이에요”
&TEAM "Coincidence doesn't exist. The fact that we met was all fate."

케이 K

자주 사용하는 이모티콘 😚🫶🫠Emojis you use often 😚🫶🫠나만의 ‘&’에 의미를 더해본다면 케이 & 운명. ‘운명’이라는 의미를 더하고 싶어요. 우연은 없다고 생각해요. &TEAM의 멤버가 되고, 여덟 명의 형제가 생기고, LUNÉ를 만난 건 모두 운명이거든요. 이 운명적인 존재는 제가 평생 지키고 싶어요.If I were to add my own meaning to "&" it would be K & fate. I want to add the meaning of “fate.” I don’t think there’s such a thing as coincidence. Becoming &TEAM, gaining 8 brothers, meeting LUNÉ - all of that was fate. I want to protect this fate for the rest of my life.마라톤이 나에게 알려준 것 마음을 비우고, 감정을 다스리는 방법을 배웠어요. 저는 일본에서 장거리를 릴레이 형식으로 달리는 ‘에키덴’ 종목의 선수였어요. 장거리이기도 했고 달리기를 하다 보면 너무 힘들어서 당장이라도 도망치고 싶거든요. 근데 다음 달리기 순서를 기다리고 있을 동료를 생각하면 포기하지 않고 끝까지 달리게 돼요. 잡념을 잊고 팀원들과의 협동심을 위해 달리기에만 몰입하는 거죠. 그렇게 앞만 보고 달리며 인내심과 집중력, 그리고 팀원들의 소중함을 깨달았어요. 그때의 배움이 지금의 동력이 됐죠.What I learned from marathons was how to have a clear mind and manage my emotions. In Japan, I was an athlete who ran in long-distance relays called "Ekiden." So, I did long-distance running, and when running, it gets so tiring that you'd want to quit straight away. But when I thought about my teammates waiting for their turn to run, I couldn't give up and ran until the end. I forgot all my trivial thoughts and ran for the sake of the team and our joint efforts as one. I realised the value of endurance, focus and the team by running while only looking forward. What I learned then has become my strength.What Is Ekiden and How Does It Work?기억에 남는 책 문장 “역경을 즐긴다.” 연습생 생활을 할 때 한국어가 서툰 탓에 제 감정을 적절한 표현으로 전달하기가 어려웠어요. 답답한 부분이 많아 지치기도, 부정적으로 생각하곤 했는데 그때 일본의 댄서 ‘리에 하타’의 자서전을 읽게 됐어요. 그 책에 있던 문장이에요. 그녀도 저와 비슷한 환경에 처해 있었고, 그때마다 스스로를 더 힘든 상황으로 내몰아 현재 상황을 극복하려 했거든요. 저도 그렇게 해보기로 다짐했고요. 그 시기에 정말 위로가 됐던 말이에요.A memorable book quote "Enjoy adversity." As a trainee, I wasn't great at Korean so it was hard to find the right words to communicate what I felt. Many things were frustrating and even exhausting; I kept thinking negatively, but then I read an autobiography by RIEHATA, a Japanese dancer. It's a quote from that book. She faced situations similar to mine, and it was by pushing herself through even tougher circumstances that she could overcome her existing hardship. I promised myself I'd do the same. At the time, hearing those words was a source of comfort.모든 게 ‘완벽’했던 순간 솔직하게 말하면 모든 게 완벽했던 순간은 없었던 것 같아요. ‘완벽주의자’가 되기 위해 꾸준히 노력은 하지만 뭔가 항상 아쉽고, 아직은 많이 고프달까.(웃음) 춤이나 노래로 인정받기에는 부족한 부분이 많다 보니 완벽한 순간이 없네요. 아, 완벽보다는 제 직감이 맞았을 때 “오, 좋다!”라며 스스로 만족할 땐 있어요. 예를 들면 ‘이 노래엔 이런 춤이 어울릴 것 같아’라고 생각하며 만든 안무나 아이디어가 반영되면 약간의 쾌감을 느끼는 거죠!A moment when everything was perfect If I were to be honest, there's never been a moment when everything was perfect. I strive to be a perfectionist by working hard and persisting, but there's always something that could've been better. You could say I'm hungry for more. (laughs) There are still so many things in my dance and vocals that I'm lacking to receive recognition, so I don't think there is a perfect moment. Ah, rather than perfect, there are moments when I feel satisfied - when I trust my gut and think, "Oh! This is good!" For example, I'd think, "Oh! This kind of dance would suit this song," and when I create choreography or ideas that come to life, it feels good!무대 위에 나는 늘 ‘진심’입니다. 저는 정말로 무대에서 가장 중요한 건 ‘마음(SOUL)’이라고 생각해요. 평소에도 퍼포먼스에 진심이라고 제 소개를 하곤 하는데, 저는 정말 그래요. 어떤 장르든 진심으로 느끼고, 고민하고, 공감해야 무대 위에서 감정이 고스란히 드러나거든요. 그렇게 때문에 어떤 무대든 정말 진심으로 제가 느끼는 감정을 전달하고 싶고, 또 그런 무대를 만들고 싶은 욕심이 가장 커요.On stage, I have always been and will continue to be sincere. The most important thing on stage is your soul. I usually introduce myself as someone sincere about performing, but I truly am. No matter what genre, you must feel, reflect on and immerse yourself with sincerity so those emotions properly show through on stage. Because of that, no matter what performance it may be, I want to convey what I feel sincerely. I have a great desire to create even more performances in that way.더 나은 나로 성장하기 위한 노력 매사에 긍정적인 사람이 되려고 노력해요. 부정적인 모습은 보이지 않으려 하고요. 주변 사람들에게 “너무 낙천적이다”라는 말을 들을 만큼 건강한 마인드를 가지고 있어요. 결국 긍정적인 마음을 가진 사람에게 자연스레 끌리고, 서로 더 좋은 영향을 받게 되거든요.Striving to become a better person, I do my best to be positive every day. I try not to show a negative side of myself. I have a healthy mindset, to the point that others around me say, "You're too optimistic." Naturally, we gravitate towards positive people and influence each other for the better.

자주 사용하는 이모티콘 😊🤣🙃Emojis you use often😊🤣🙃나만의 ‘&’에 의미를 더해본다면 토끼 & 기니피그. LUNÉ분들이 저랑 닮았다고 한 동물들이에요. 제가 보기에도 보면 볼수록 닮은 것 같아요.(웃음) 저를 닮은 이 두 동물을 ‘&’으로 연결하면 제가 되는 거죠!If I were to add my own meaning to "&" it would be bunny & guinea pig. LUNÉ say I look like these two animals. The more I look at them, the more I can see it (laughs). If you take these two animals that look like me and connect them with “&,” you get me!‘와르르’라는 단어를 처음 들었을 때 제일 좋아하는 한국어 단어예요. 다양한 장르의 한국 음악을 들으며 공부하다 ‘Colde – 와르르 ♥’라는 곡을 듣고 처음 알게 됐거든요. 듣자마자 딱 꽂혔어요. ‘와르르’라는 발음도 너무 귀엽지 않나요? 최근에는 ‘땡기다’라는 말을 외워 자주 쓰고 있어요.When I first heard "crumble", it became my favourite Korean word. I was studying Korean by listening to different genres of music, and I first learned this word when I heard Colde's "와르르 ♥ (WA-R-R)" [translation of Korean title: crumble]. As soon as I heard it, it stuck out to me. Isn't the pronunciation of "crumble" so cute? Recently, I've been trying to memorise the word "crave," so I use it a lot.*와르르, (wareureu), crumble
*땡기다, (ddaeng gi da), slang: to crave스스로 추구하는 MBTI 요즘 추구하는 MBTI를 고르자면 INFP. 저는 MBTI 검사를 할 때마다 항상 바뀌는데, INFP는 자신의 이상을 향해 끊임없이 도전하는 성향이라고 하더군요. 저도 도전적인 사람이 되고 싶어요. 언제 또 바뀔진 모르겠지만요.(웃음)An MBTI I'd like to be, if I had to choose, would be INFP. Every time I test for my MBTI, it always changes, but it's said that INFPs tend to challenge themselves continually in pursuit of their ideal. I also want to become someone who challenges myself. But that might change; you never know. (laughs)눈물을 글썽이게 만든 응원의 말 LUNÉ분들이 해주는 모든 말. 제겐 정말 든든한 존재예요. 특히 ‘위버스’에 올라오는 글을 볼 때. 멀리서도 늘 제 컨디션을 걱정해주거나, 아주 사소한 것들을 놓치지 않고 챙겨줘서 감사할 뿐이죠. 제가 받는 응원과 위로를 꼭 보답하고 싶어요. 제 진심을 담아서요.The words of support that bring me to tears are all the words from LUNÉ. Their existence reassures me, especially when I see posts on Weverse. Even from afar, they worry about how I'm doing and don't miss the smallest details when caring for me. I'm nothing but grateful. I'll definitely repay the support and comfort that I've received. I truly mean it.무대 위의 나는 ‘츤데레(ツンデレ)’인 것 같아요. LUNÉ분들 앞에 서면 마냥 웃음이 나거든요. 근데 또 멋있게 보이고 싶어 저도 모르게 살짝 무표정의 쿨한 표정을 지어버릴 때가 있어요. 무대 위에서도 있는 그대로, 편하게 다가가고 싶은데···. 이 모습들을 적절하게 섞어 표현할 수 있는 연습을 해야겠어요.When I'm on stage, I think I'm a tsundere. When in front of LUNÉ, I can't help but smile. But then, when I want to look cool, I'll make a straight face without realising it. Even on stage, I want to approach [LUNÉ] comfortably, just as I am but... I need to practice properly expressing and switching between these two sides of myself.*ツンデレ, (tsundere), showing two sides - both sweet and cold더 나은 나로 성장하기 위한 노력 선배님들의 무대를 정말 많이 봐요. 제 무대를 모니터링하는 것도 중요하지만, 경험이 많은 분들의 무대를 보는 게 연습할 때 큰 도움이 되더라고요. 저의 무대를 보면서 스스로 발견한 문제점을 진지하게 마주하는 것도 필요하고요. 정말 매일매일 많은 레퍼런스를 보며 노력하고 있어요. 그 이후에는 연습만이 살 길이죠.To grow into a better me, I watch our seniors' performances a lot. It's important to look back on and observe my performances, but watching those with more experience is a huge help when practising. It's also important that I take a serious look at my performance's weak points. Every single day, I do my best to look at a bunch of references. After that, practice is the only way forward.
unfinished. individual member interviews to be translated: fuma, taki, yuma, nicholas, ej, jo, maki
Every Friday on Weverse DM Maki shares a song with LUNÉ
✿ SOURCE: &TEAM Official Magazine
AIUEO Interview

What's your staple breakfast food? : BreadWhen do you think LUNÉ are lovely?: When I hear their voicesWhat do you like about EJ? : He brings a sense of safety when we're together.Is popcorn a must-have when going to the movies? If so, what flavour? : It's a must-have. I like pepper-flavoured popcorn.What kind of mochi do you like eating? : Kinako mochiWhat cute behaviour or mannerisms does TAKI have? : When he gets nervous, he writes the character "人" (person) on his hand.How do you deal with nerves? : I get FUMA to punch me in the stomach lolSomething you say often? : "Why??"What do you like about K? : He brings together all our feelings before a performance.Do you have anything you're really picky about? : I don't like pants that are tight at the hem.What's your motto? : Don't forget greetings or gratitude.What do you like about JO? : I can talk to him about anything.What do you do to relieve stress? : Sleep, listening to musicIf you were to analyse your own personality? : I ask anything and everything about stuff I'm interested in. HonestWhat do you imagine you'll be like in the future? : I'll be even coolerWhat do you like about TAKI? : He naturally makes me smile when we're together.A challenge you'd like to take on? : Releasing a song in English. Releasing unit songs also seems like fun.An &TEAM song hum to yourself without realising? : War CryWhat has changed the most about you from pre-debut to now? : I've become coolerWhat's something you're good at? A special skill you have? : Singing. Clapping with one handA small worry you've had recently? : We've been super into the werewolf game recently, and I don't win cause I can’t act very well.What do you like about NICHOLAS? : He's like a real older brother and I can speak to him comfortably in English.What's something you like to eat to warm yourself up when it's cold? : RamenTell us one of your wishes! :I want to travel the world with &TEAM.If you became a farmer, what would you like to try growing? : PotatoesWhat do you like about HARUA? : We've been together since we were trainees, so we know each other the best.If you were to describe yourself in one word? : Dog-guyWhat do you like about FUMA? : He's like dad, and having him by my side is reassuring.Are you team pyjamas for loungewear? Team sweats? Team jersey? : Right now, sweatsAre you good at watching horror movies? : I can't watch them alone.What do you like about MAKI (yourself)? : Eyes. Voice. Says what he's thinking, but only sometimes though.A view you'd like to see (with LUNÉ)? : &TEAM performing in different countries and regionsWho would you want with you if you were on a deserted island? Why? : FUMA. It's reassuring to be with him.Tell us something true and unexpected about EJ? : He's really, really bad at paper-scissors-rockLet's say you run into a zombie; who would defeat it? : FUMATell us how you spend your free days? : Shopping. Going to see Pandy. Rolling around at homeWhat do you like about YUMA? : No matter where or when he'll always have an instant witty responseEmojis you use often? : 😊🔥💕A moment when you thought, "Lucky~!" : When recording finishes quickly and I can spend the rest of the day at my own pace.When you're cooking, do you measure everything out exactly or eyeball it? : Measure everything outWhat's a question you'd like to ask LUNÉ? : Why do you give us so much of your love?Something that's always in the fridge? : Face masksA memorable outdoor filming location? A place you want to try filming at? : At USJ, we went on lots of thrill rides. I want to do more filming at amusement parks and go camping for real for 2 nights and three days with the members.Something that made you laugh recently? : There was a funny scene in the movie I watched with Nicholas.(blank) puts me in a good mood. What would you put in (blank)? : Bungee jumpingWhat food has recently made you think, "Yummy!" : The egg drop soup that was part of the catering during our tour 😋😋😋
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"Real" Interview - Sports Hochi

Singing is where I shine
Member Introduction, Part 9
Part 9 of the interview project for the 9-member global group &TEAM features Maki (18). Their singles "Samidare" and "Aoarashi" became consecutive hits, and he expressed his gratitude, saying, "It's because of LUNÉ's support." On the 23rd, they will release their new song, "Jyuugoya," which he describes as having "a calm autumn tune." During junior high school, he gave up stage acting to join &AUDITION. Despite the challenge of going through puberty at the time, he succeeded in the program. We asked him about the hardships he faced prior to his debut, his solo activities, and his thoughts on his fellow members.
Consecutive hit singles, thanks to LUNÉ
Regarding their consecutive hit singles, "Samidare" and "Aoarashi," it seems that Maki, once again, feels the strong support of LUNÉ.As a team, we're so proud to have been able to earn double platinum (over 500,000 sales). For "Aoarashi," we didn't have that much time to practice, so we had some worries, but so many LUNÉ listened to our track, and I think that's why it could become a hit. I truly have nothing but gratitude to everyone who loves and supports us.
Closer than ever before
After going through our choreography, we think up ways to improve like "Hey, it might be better if we did it like this." I think our attitude when it comes to turning our work into something that feels more like &TEAM has only gotten stronger. These days, our teamwork is better, and we're closer than ever before.From a young age, he was part of a children's theatre company and has a background in performing in musicals. After watching the grand-scale project I-LAND, he changed his path in the hopes of becoming an artist.When I was part of the theatre company, I thought I wanted to become a stage actor, but when I watched I-LAND, it was as if my feelings changed within an instant. It's hard to describe in words exactly why I felt so moved, but it was kind of like I realised — "Wouldn't this suit me more than musicals?" The excitement of being chosen as part of a group that would work together from then onwards made me want to take a winning place on a survival program.The reason he undertook the HYBE trainee audition links back to his many years in musical theatre.When I was actively performing, HYBE took notice, and I received an offer asking me to audition. That's how I ended up taking it. For the vocal part, I sang BTS' "Butterfly," and for dance, I did SEVENTEEN's "HIT." Before the audition, I was the most nervous I had ever been, but I also felt confident in my singing. On our way home from the audition, my mother received a message on her phone saying that I had passed and I was already cheering and celebrating (laughs)
Vocal training since grade 2 of elementary school
Maki's weapon is his vocal prowess, but where did he cultivate that skill?..I liked singing ever since I was a kid, but my interest in it only began growing when I started taking vocal lessons in second grade. I could really feel a change in my voice after taking lessons. During &AUDITION, I made a conscious effort to be thought of by the audience as someone good at singing. Singing is where I shine. But, my voice started breaking quite late, and during the program, I was right in the middle of it.— Your voice change clashed with the audition program?Yes. About two to three months before the program started, my voice started to sound strange. I couldn't hit the same notes that I could before, and it happened week by week where the sounds I could make just that week before wouldn't come out anymore. I was in an unpredictable state, and that really stressed me out. Somehow, I was able to make it through the program, but the way I approached singing before and after puberty had to change. Singing the same way I used to had its limits, so (music producer) Soma told me, "You're going to have to change your vocalisation." I had to learn and rebuild my singing voice from scratch. There are still some things I need to work on, but as I keep practising, there are notes that I can hit now that I couldn't before.
With his experience performing in musicals, it seems his return to that stage is possible
Recently, there have been LUNÉ who tell me they want to see me appear in a musical again, and I also feel the same way. The other day, I watched the show of a friend I used to perform with, and even from my seat, I felt just how much fun it is to stand on stage and act all over again. As well as that, I'm interested in becoming a solo artist. While watching the solo activities of my senior BTS, I thought, "What a dream…" As a team, we'll strive higher and higher, and once we achieve our goals, I think it'd be great to take on solo activities to find myself too (laughs).
He has a sense of composure that you wouldn't expect from the youngest member. I felt his deep passion and pride for singing. I'd like to see him perform in a musical one day (Author: Kakobu Atsushi)
Maki sees the members
▼ EJ: His voice is gentle and even just listening to it makes you relax. EJ is our warm and cozy leader who is so accepting of us.▼ FUMA: Lately, the youngest members spend a lot of time with Fuma. He kinda feels like a papa with his kids (laughs).▼ K: K-hyung is someone we can rely on. He guides us, the members, in many different ways, and he always makes us laugh.▼ NICHOLAS: He feels like a real older brother. We talk in English a lot and I feel a connection that’s different from the other members.▼ YUMA: He understands each and every member the best. His observation skills are really sharp and he responds, sensitive to the changes the members go through.▼ JO: He’s comfortable to be with. Recently, he’s been making jokes himself. Despite what you might see, he does talk, you know (laughs).▼ HARUA: Amongst the members, we’ve known each other the longest, so close that we can talk about anything without it being awkward. He’s pretty quick-witted.▼ TAKI: Taki is so funny. He always makes the team and LUNÉ smile. He’s like the sun.
MAKI 17 February 2006. From Tokyo. 18 years old. German father, Japanese mother. Switched paths from being a stage actor to succeeding in an audition program. Leads his team with his extraordinary vocal skills. Height 183.5, blood type O
Extended Version
The plan for this year was to release 3 singles and an album with the theme of spring, summer, autumn and winter. As a team, we're so proud to have been able to earn double platinum (over 500,000 sales). Due to our schedule, the preparation period for Aoarashi was short and it was hard to find time to practice synchronising our choreography all together. To be honest, we had some worries. But even then, so many LUNÉ listened to our track, and I think that's why it could become a hit. Our efforts were not in vain. I truly have nothing but gratitude to everyone who loves and supports us.— As your songs become hits, have you noticed any changes in your team?After going through our choreography, we think up ways to improve like "Hey, it might be better if we did it like this." I think our attitude when it comes to turning our work into something that feels more like &TEAM has only gotten stronger. Ever since our group was formed, the 9 of us have always been together, but our teamwork is better these days, and we're closer than ever before. We share the same mindset of wanting to show off amazing performances to everyone, so we all monitor our practice and work hard to improve.On the 23rd, they'll release the autumn version of their season series, "Jyuugoya."While also being energetic, "Samidare" and "Aoarashi" are songs that convey a sense of beauty in that nothing lasts forever. Our new song, "Jyuugoya," as per the title, has a calm autumn sound that conveys a slightly sentimental and emotional vibe. Please look forward to it.&TEAM try to familiarise themselves with the English guide before recording their songs. This process seems to suit MAKI, who is fluent in English.For me, I listen to the English guide first and think about what kind of singing would suit the song and the lyrics. During the recording, there are details in the guide that we keep, but there are also parts we change so that it feels more like us. In our new song, I sing the bridge. The lyrics for that part are in English, so it has a completely different vibe from the Japanese parts of the song.—Is singing in English easier for you?That's right. Sometimes, it's easier to express emotions in English than in Japanese. Ever since I was young, I only really listened to Western music and I'd also sing music from different countries quite often. So, I think singing in English is easier for me. If I'm able to guide the team when it comes to singing in different languages, then I'm glad.Currently, they are working on their 2nd album, "Yukiakari" (releasing 18 December)2024, through our season series, has been a year where we've been able to meet LUNÉ in so many different places. I think those who didn't know of our team before have come to know about us. We're working hard to record each and every song for these people. "We want to be together with our fans forever," — with those feelings, we're making this album.During 縁DAY, Maki performed "Bad Day" by Canadian singer Daniel Powter. His first solo stage seems to have been thrilling.Bad Day was also released on YouTube, but, of course, it's completely different when you're in front of an audience. At the stage wings, right before my turn, I heard cheers yelling my name, "MAKI!" They must've known I would be the last to appear, but hearing those cheers made me nervous. Beside me, Nicholas and EJ would be playing the keyboard and guitar, but I would be singing alone. As part of &TEAM, that was the first time I sang all by myself. My heart was pounding (laughs).

&TEAM did not have much time to prepare for 縁DAY, but they prepared special performances for LUNÉ, who showed up for them.I sang with a live band for the fan event, but our schedule was so tight that I didn't have much time to practice with them. Even if I did practice alone, once you're accompanied by the band, it starts to sound completely different. I had some worries, but somehow, I made it through without a hitch despite the little time we had. Honestly, I wondered what I could do to leave an impression on the LUNÉ who came to watch. I wanted to put on a performance that was a little different from the cover on YouTube, so I did a bunch of improvisation.— Was there a positive response?Yes. It went better than I thought it would, and once I finished singing a "thank you," sorta just let my mouth (laughs). Everyone responded well, and I was glad. Covering songs is really fun cause I get to sing the songs I love in English, and LUNÉ also enjoy it. Recently, I've been listening to a lot of Justin Beiber songs again, so I'd like to cover more of them.— As well as tours, &TEAM also hold fan events like "縁DAY." Do you feel there's a difference between these two?From my point of view, during concerts, we can hype up LUNÉ and those in the audience through our music. During a fan event like "縁DAY", we can have fun with everyone. So during "縁DAY" play games and try doing things we don't really do at concerts. It makes us so happy that we each get to do our own special performances, and we're able to have fun with LUNÉ in many different ways.— The other day at your offline event, you all made your fans very happy by wearing yukatas.The yukata we wore at the event were the ones we wore during the summer festival scene in our music video for "Aoarashi." We wore the yukatas for the MV, but that was the first time we were wearing yukatas for an offline event. LUNÉ made requests to see us wearing the yukata, so we ended up doing so. It was our first time wearing yukata and meeting everyone so close, and I was so glad everyone liked it so much. Outside of needing to wear it for work, I don't wear Japanese clothing much, so it was fun.— Music festivals also seem to have a completely different vibe to fan events.At music festivals, so many LUNÉ show up for us. They do their best to get tickets even if they can be hard to get. Since they come all the way to watch us, we give our everything so that they think, "I'm glad I came." Of course, there are also a lot of other fans of other artists who come. We want to make our mark, or rather, we want to put on a performance that leaves a lasting impression and shows "this is &TEAM."— During the early days of your debut, you appeared on shows with some major groups. K saw members had become starstruck and gave you guys the advice; "let's focus on us."That's right. Of course, there are moments when we see other artists and think, "Wow." But it can't just end there because, at the same time, we also have to show off our own charm as a team. Last year, at the Tokyo Dome at MAMA (Mnet Asian Music Awards), many fans of other artists came to the show. Still, our feelings are so strong that we want to make sure that when the audience goes home, &TEAM is stuck in their head.— You recently put on a passionate performance at the TMA (THE FACT MUSIC AWARDS) held in Tokyo Dome.We performed in Tokyo Dome, for the first time in a while, with our two songs, "Aoarashi" and "Scar to Scar." Right from walking onto the red carpet, we were motivated to look our best on the carpet and, afterwards, make sure that we put on a performance that fired up the whole venue. Right from entering the venue, I hyped myself up. During the red carpet, I tried giving off a more mature vibe, and I walked thinking, like, "We look hot" sorta (laughs)